I am an engineer, working on software and electronics. I often go by the handle asterane on the internet. Welcome to my homepage!
My journey to having a fully functional site where I can publish content was somewhat convoluted, but highly educational. In this post, I’ll be sharing what I learned, discussing the process of creating a site using Emacs and Org mode, and comparing the two leading static site generators: Jekyll and Hugo.
I have been interested in putting up my own website for some time, and I’ve finally decided to make it happen. The coronavirus pandemic (I’ve seen it referred to in one news article as “the ongoing global situation”) has offered me more time than expected to work on personal projects, so I have been assembling this site for the last several days. In this post, I briefly discuss my motivations and goals.
Navigate the site using the links to the left (or above, on mobile).
About gives more information about me, my work, and my education.
Under Projects, find information about my engineering projects, each of which has its own GitHub repository.
My Blog contains writings on technology and engineering, hardware and software alike.
In the footer are links to my GitHub profile, my Contact page, and the Colophon for this site.